Why Giving to the Library is Important.
The Paulina June & George Pollak Library is the university's center of study for its students, faculty, researchers, and Orange County community. Directing your financial gifts to the Library allows us to maintain our print and digital information resources and provide comprehensive student services and accessibility. The entire CSU Fullerton community benefits from your choice to support the Library.
What Makes the Library Special?
The Pollak Library is at the center of the CSU Fullerton campus and information services are at the center of the Library. Every student's journey to earning a college degree will lead them to the Library and the many services it provides. Student success is supported by the Library providing access to the Writing Center and University Learning Commons, computers and Internet service, plus there are quiet study floors and group study SMART Rooms to meet the needs of every student.
In addition, the Library provides print and digital resources to meet the information needs of over 50 academic departments and programs. Your gift to the University Library Fund will support the vital role the Library plays as the information center of the university.
Why Should I Give?
Giving to the Pollak Library has influence throughout the entire university community. Not only students and faculty benefit, but the entire Orange County community is greatly improved by making higher education accessible for all who wish to achieve that goal. A gift to the Library is a gift to the student in all of us.
Who Benefits From My Gift?
Every one of the more than 37,000 students that come to CSU Fullerton to earn a college degree will benefit from your gift. The Library will be the center for their academic success whether doing individual research and writing or working together on team projects in the SMART Group Study Rooms.
Plus, the nearly 2,000 full-time and part-time faculty who teach in a wide variety of fields also benefit as your contribution keeps the Library's academic titles, journals, and peer-reviewed papers up-to-date for their course preparation and research.
Start Your Donation Here
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