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Library Lockers

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Library Lockers

Contactless Check Out

The Pollak Library is now providing a safe and convenient way to check out physical materials. Students, faculty and staff can page library items using OneSearch and have those items delivered to the Library Lockers. Library materials placed in the locker can be picked up securely and safely any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To have your library items delivered to the lockers, sign in to OneSearch. Once you find the physical item you are looking for, click on the Request option. From there, select 24/7 Lockers as your pick up option. Once your request is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to retrieve your item from the lockers. Your item will remain in the locker for 3 days. After that time the items will be returned to the shelf.

The Library Lockers are located outside the south entrance of the library facing the quad. Paged materials will placed in the lockers between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Once an item is in the locker, it can be picked up at any time using the code supplied in the email.

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